

- 2 min read


img of sync/errgroup


Unlike its name suggests, this library isn’t about errors.

sync/errgroup reduces the number of lines needed to write bounded concurrent code.

ELI5 Why we need it

Imagine functionalities being food items in a burger chain.

  1. Creating a new goroutine -> Ordering a burger
  2. Making goroutines bounded with semaphores -> Ordering fries
  3. Waiting until goroutines are done using sync.WaitGroup -> Ordering a drink

These are common food items that most people would like to have for every meal. Hence, most burger chains offer **a meal/combo that costs less **than ordering each item individually.

This is where sync/errgroup comes in, reducing the number of lines needed.

How to use it

First, let us go back and see what the code looks like without sync/errgroup:

func withoutErrGroup() {
	sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(10) // init semaphores with 10 concurrency
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{} // declare waitGroup
	for i := 0 ; i< 100 ; i++ {
		wg.Add(1) // increment waitGroup count
		go func ()  {
			sem.Acquire(context.Background(), 1) // try to acquire a semaphore (permission to run)
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // code you want each goroutine to run
			wg.Done() // notifying waitGroup that this goroutine has completed
			sem.Release(1) // releasing semaphore for other goroutines to use
	wg.Wait() // blocking wait for all goroutines to be completed

VS what the code looks like with sync/errgroup:

func withErrGroup() {
	wg := errgroup.Group{} // declare waitGroup
	wg.SetLimit(10) // limit concurrency to 10
	for i := 0 ; i< 100 ; i++ {
		wg.Go(func() error {
			time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // code you want each goroutine to run
			return nil
	wg.Wait()// blocking wait for all goroutines to be completed

sync/errgroup eliminates commonly used and repeated code, making our code easier to read and understand.

Rabbit Hole

sync/errgroup provides a kill switch for all goroutines via context cancelation.

Great for tasks that could be cancelled/killed.

Alright, that is all for today. Let’s get one post smarter every day, and see you tomorrow! wg.Wait()



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